The project has produced following papers:

Harakka, T. (2012). A New Narrative for Europe? Summary of a BRIE-ETLA Seminar. ETLA Discussion Papers, 1274.

Ali-Yrkkö, J., Rouvinen, P., & Ylä-Anttila, P. (2012). Nokian osuus pienenee: ICT-sektorin kasvu palveluissa ja ohjelmistoissa. Suhdanne, 2, 77-80.

Ali-Yrkkö, J., Rouvinen, P., & Ylä-Anttila, P. (2012). Nokia kutistuu ? palvelut kasvavat. Talouselämä, 2012(34), 57-59.

Seppälä, T. & Kenney, M. (2012). Nokia ja Microsoft - Avioero ennen kihloja? Talouselämä Nro 37. s. 75-76.

Seppälä, T. & Kenney, M (2012). Competitive Dynamics, IP Litigation and Acquisitions: The Struggle for Positional Advantage in the Emerging Mobile Internet, ETLA Discussion Papers No. 1288. (Also as EPO Conference Paper and Presentation. Munich, Germany).

Kenney, M. & Seppälä, T. (2012). Silicon valley is Doing It Again. San Francisco Daily Journal. Vol. 118, No. 209, pp. 1, and 7. San Francisco, USA.

Rouvinen, P. (2012).  Kaikille pilvee! ETLA Muistiot, tulossa.

Seppälä, T. & Kenney, M. (2012). Building on Complementary Assets in a Unified TCP/IP World; Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) Working Paper Series No. 204

Seppälä, T. (2013). Transformations of global mobile telecommunication supplier networks; The Offshoring Challenge: Strategic Design and Innovation for Tomorrow's Organization. Lydia Bals, Peter Ø Jensen, Marcus M. Larsen, Torben Pedersen (Eds.), Chapter 19, Springer in the Production and Process Engineering Series

Maliranta, M., Rouvinen, P., &  Airaksinen, A. (2013), ICT and Firm Performance: Roles of Support and Outsourcing. ETLA Discussion Papers, forthcoming.